Bury me beneath the window

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ToAnight I'm sad, my Dheart is lonesome
AFor the only one I Elove
When Ashall I see her? AOh no, never
ATill we E7meet in heaven aAbove
    So Abury me beDneath the willow
    AUnder the weeping willow E7tree
    So Ashe will know where DI am sleeping
    AAnd perE7haps she'll weep for Ame

She told me that she dearly loved me
Oh, how could I believe it untrue?
Until an angel softly whispered
She could never care for you

Tomorrow was to be our wedding
Oh God, oh God, where can she be?
She's gone a-courting with another
And no longer cares for me

Bury me beneath the window
Genre folk
Taal EN
Maatsoort 2/4
Toonsoort A
Door -trad-
Status 1
Copyright 0