Worried man blues

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I Cwent across the river and I laid down to sleep
I Fwent across the river and CI laid down to sleep
I Cwent across the river and I laid down to sleep
When I woke G7up, there were shackles on my Cfeet

     It Ctakes a worried man to sing a worried song
     It Ftakes a worried man to Csing a worried song
     It Ctakes a worried man to sing a worried song
     I’m worried G7now but I won’t be worried Clong

Twenty one links of chain around my leg
Twenty one links of chain around my leg
Twenty one links of chain around my leg
And on each link, the initials of my name

I asked the judge what’s gonna be my fine
I asked the judge what’s gonna be my fine
I asked the judge what’s gonna be my fine
Twenty one years on the Rocky Mountain Line

If anyone should ask you who composed this song
If anyone should ask you who composed this song
If anyone should ask you who composed this song
Say it was me and I sing it all day long

Worried man blues
Genre folk
Land US
Taal EN
Maatsoort 4/4
Toonsoort C
Door Woody Guthrie
Status 1
Copyright 0