Drunken sailor

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DmWhat shall we do with the drunken sailor
Cwhat shall we do with the drunken sailor
Dmwhat shall we do with the drunken sailor
Cearly in the Dmmorning?
    DmHurray and up she rises
    Churray and up she rises
    Dmhurray and up she rises
    Cearly in the morning.

Put him in the long boat till he's sober

Pull out the plug and wet him all over

Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him

Heave him by the leg in a running bowline

That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor

Drunken sailor.png
Drunken sailor
Genre folk
Land GB
Taal EN
Maatsoort 2/4
Toonsoort Dm
Door -trad-
Status 1
Copyright 0