El condor pasa

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AmI'd rather be a sparrow than a Csnail.
Yes I would, If I could, I surely Amwould. Mmmm...
    AFway, I'd rather sail away,
    like a Cswan that's here and gone.
    A Fman gets tied up to the ground.
    He gives the Cworld its saddest sound,
    its saddest Amsound.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.
Yes I would, If I only could, I surely would.

I'd rather be a forest than a street.
Yes I would. If I could, I surely woud.

I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet,
Yes I would. If I only could, I surely would.

El condor pasa.png
El condor pasa
Genre folk
Land US
Taal EN
Maatsoort 4/4
Toonsoort Am
Componist Daniel Alomía Robles
Door Simon & Garfunkel
Status 1
Copyright 0
Bladmuziek El condor pasa.mc
pdf El condor pasa.pdf